Söl Gifts

Ancient-Future Medicine Sessions

with Liv Mokai Wheeler

Art by: Christy Chudosnik


Söl Gifts

Ancient-Future Medicine Sessions 

Söl Gifts

“When I sit with a soul, I sense facets and expressions of essence that are ready to enter into the physical world. Living these facets, I've noticed, bring a dimensionality which is very satisfying to the soul.” 

As the earth is going through her great transformation, ascending with each new day, we too are being called upon to make way for our great shedding. As layers burn away and release from our being, from lifetimes and ancestral generations of pain, the light is returning. This light that I'm speaking about is brilliant and full of so many hues of soul potential.

In this ancient-future medicine offering I'm working, in a symbiotic way, weaving my spiritual gifts with the great ability of this stellar technology. I've been guided by the Kontomblé to create these multidimensional ancient-future Söl Gifts sessions in support of your soul abilities becoming active as well as your dream reality being welcomed into this dimension.

Each session is unique. It is primarily up to your soul as to how I’m being guided. We've been experiencing many magical and miraculous energies so far!


In this video, Liv shares about the healing technology and this ancient-future medicine synthesis.

What Happens During a Session

At the beginning of each session, I begin with clearing. With the support of the Kontomblé and their loving otherworldly medicine, we extract and release negative influences (entities, etc.) from our session ceremonial space, so that we may gather in unifying spiritual presence. Once the space has been prepared spiritually in that way I begin an invocation as well as an honoring. I invite in your enlightened ancestors, guides and guardians and set a prayer for our ceremonial session. At that point the space has been created to receive your intention as well as anything you feel called to share. From there, I am guided spiritually in what would be most supportive to your soul, while holding your intention in my heart.


…Recent Testimonials…

“I have been so surprised by this healing technology and the seemless way it works with Liv’s medicine. After our session, I feel energized and have access to joy and love that I haven’t felt in years. It’s one thing to have insight about your divine blueprint, and it’s another thing entirely to experience it in real time. I highly recommend to anyone who wants to unlock their soul gifts and access the higher frequencies of their being.” 

- Dorothee

“ I would like to take this opportunity to thank Liv for sharing this amazing technology during our scared ceremonies. I experienced a deep deep healing and for me this technology feels like an old friend that I’m reconnecting with. 

It has allowed me to go deep into a visualisation of my dreams, to co create with our beautiful Spirit world. The power held within this amazing technology feels like a warm protective blanket coated with unconditional love and support. Allowing my inner strength to come through especially around my throat chakra, my voice felt clear and strong. The immense surge of excitement I experience now since feeling these special healing properties feels so very scared and connected with our Cosmic Mother.

I get super excited like a little girl around this device, my expression felt pure, playful and innocent, bringing my heart and mind into balance, a truly beautiful co creation with each other.

I am feeling so grounded since experiencing this technology and it is growing more and more each day, like a continuous flow of grounding energy.

Thank you for sharing this sacred technology beautiful Liv, I am so humbly grateful and honoured and I look forward to experiencing this healing with you all again”

- Catriona




Initial Session: 90 minutes, $189

Returning Sessions: 75 minutes, $171

A package of three 60 minute sessions, $333


The Registration Process

Upon being welcomed for a session, participants will receive a hidden link on the Earth’s Amulet website where they can register, schedule, and make a full nonrefundable payment for the session through an embedded scheduling link on the page itself.

Registration will include a Healing Agreement, a Cancellation and Payment Policy, and a Liability Waiver.

You will also have the opportunity to share your intention for the session and anything else you feel called to share with Liv Mokai and/or the team as you schedule the session.

Once you have completed the registration forms, scheduling, and payment, your session will be confirmed. 

You will then receive an email confirmation with a Zoom link and other applicable preparation information for the session itself. It is our suggestion that you bookmark and save this email for use for the session itself.

All sessions are prepaid as part of the registration and scheduling process. Your completed forms and full payment will confirm your reserved session.

As such, we will not be able to hold spaces open for individuals, and it will be your responsibility to complete the registration and scheduling process at your earliest convenience.

Your completed forms and full payment will confirm your reserved session.

All payments are nonrefundable.

Earth's Amulet has a 72 hour cancellation/rescheduling policy. More information can be found in the forms signed via the registration and scheduling process.

Schedule a Session

To be in touch with the Earth’s Amulet Team about receiving an application, please send a message via the following contact form link indicating your interest in a Söl Gifts Ancient-Future Medicine Sessions with Liv Mokai Wheeler.