Starry Gates of Mystic Rites: A Ceremonial Initiatory Journey

with Liv Mokai Wheeler

· November 2022, December 2022, & January 2023 ·

An Initiatory Journey for O Ceò Naomh: A Priestess Training With Liv Mokai Wheeler


Christy Chudosnik, 2022.


A Letter from Liv Mokai

It has been a tremendous honor to journey through many lifetimes with this incredible village of loving Kontomblé. For those who have sat in ceremony with us through the years, you may have experienced the heartwarming messages from one in particular who’s as sensitive as pure feeling. Or perhaps you’ve felt one very strong elder who steps forward and makes his voice known when there’s clear danger up ahead while all humans in sight seem not to be noticing.

Their pure wisdom and expertise, to this day, continues to steep me in awe at feeling their great precision, as well as incredible foresight, and ability to be at least ten years ahead of those who mean to deceive others in their name. Indeed, the greater community are learning, in a more challenging way, what happens when they sit with diviners who say they’re streaming Kontomblé frequencies when in actuality that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Spirit has a way of understanding what we’re made of.

With the Kontomblé’s guidance and intense urging through the years, we’ve risen to the occasion of honoring the Great Mystery as well as the myriad of beautiful beings of the Earth. Never was it easy, but always was it so worth it.

Along the way, I couldn’t help but notice that they’d never reveal more than a person could responsibly be with. They’ve tested and unraveled some great deceivers. Intense teachers, they certainly can be, but never without great purpose.

As it seems that humanity has been fumigated by some truly lethal beings, I’ve been sitting in counsel with this village of Kontomblé that are my family and saying, thank you so much for saving so many lives during this heartbreaking time on Earth.

What I’m left noticing as I sit in deep reflection of their immense wisdom is that they have been working steadily to encourage those with the ears to hear:

“find your way back to your pure heart…”

It is a great honor to share with you that this beautiful village of Kontomblé is working with us currently in creating a ceremonial initiatory journey to prepare those who are ready to enter into the Temple of the Great Goddess.

We are preparing the gates in the Otherworld for a Rite of Passage into a new realm of existence. We will be gathering with beautiful souls who are prepared to take responsibility for tending to the Sacred with love, and care, and a sense of purpose.

I have been preparing for many lifetimes for this. A part of my soul has been steeping in the Otherworld to be prepared for this Sacred Duty. It is time now. My soul is integrating these teachings in preparation for a new Temple that is of the New Earth.

With love,
Liv Mokai Wheeler



A Ceremonial Video from Liv Mokai



We gather as community and as individuals for a Ceremonial Initiatory Journey with Liv Mokai Wheeler and the Kontomblé to lovingly, devotedly, earnestly prepare our beings to enter into the Venusian Temple of the Great Goddess as initiated souls who answer the call to tend to the Sacred in the unique, kaleidoscopic ways the Spiritual Realms have decreed. This Rite of Passage, this Rite of Sacred Alchemy, will take place throughout a journey of three months and ten ceremonies, a series of starry gates that lead to a mystical realm of existence both ancient and new.

This journey is, in part, that of the inner alchemical process to cleanse the heart and being in order to have the spaciousness of heart and fortitude of spirit to receive the subtle spiritual transmissions and teachings that make way for one to enter the temple as Priestess as our foremothers and many of our souls have done since time immemorial.

It is the preparation for the calling; it is the calling itself. It is the phase of the moon in new; it is the phase of the moon in full. It is the phase of inner excavation with the nocturnal winged guardians at our backs; it is the phase of deepening communion with the cosmic guides that light the way forward on our paths.

What is the color that is created by sound of soul? What is the tune that pours forth from string of heart? What is the geometry that crystallizes within waves of form and eternal formlessness?



This sacred journey will take place online and will move within a lunar rhythm and honoring such that the ceremonies will take place in the mystical depth of many of our nights, of course depending on where we may be on the Earth. Each month there will be a particular focus of study and excavation that builds upon one another in unfurling culmination within the ever-spiraling, ever-musical Mystery.

The first month will have a devotion to dedicated cleansing and clearing the heart-space and koshas or bodies. In the first month, we will also have the opportunity to connect from the heart in ceremony as a brilliant constellation of souls whilst also being blessed to receive teachings from Liv Mokai and the Kontomblé with regards to the cleansing of the heart and tuning of the bodies.

The second month will hold a devotion to honoring the Divine Feminine so deeply braided in our mothers, our grandmothers, the Goddess, the matriarchal lines and ways. We are also deeply grateful to be able to hear from Kontomblé about the different affiliations with the particular divine feminine frequencies held within the heart of our community within the beautiful souls in our constellation. 

The third month will have a special devotion to a study that dives into the waters of self-love, self-worth, and the essence energies of one’s soul and the universes held within. Within this pathway through the gates, we are also honored and grateful to also connect with the Kontomblé so to hear about the four legged and winged guardians with us… these companions and muses so inherently fundamental to the calm yet empowered, humble yet knowing passages of the Priestess, as the Kontomblé have been so generous to share with us.

Those within the journey will also receive a parcel with ceremonially crafted sea-salt and spirited-herb bundles for cleansing baths, one dedicated bundle for each month of the Ceremonial Initiatory Journey. They will also receive audio recordings of multidimensional healing journeys from Liv Mokai for further steeping in the alchemy of the journey and teachings. There will also quite likely be ritual prescriptions, and sacred practices or homework unique to our constellation that is given so as to support in deepening and in integration of the teachings and initiatory process within the being to make way for ever-clearer, ever-crystallizing journey through these starry gates of mystical rites. 

While this Ceremonial Initiatory Journey will take place in community and with the blessing of the guidance and teachings of Liv Mokai Wheeler and the Kontomblé, it is also a journey of sincerely dedicating to taking initiative within one’s own being, and to devoting to genuine humbleness, presence, spiritual training, the study of spiritual phenomena, and accuracy therein out of a sense of integrity and riteful dignity.



For five of our ceremonies, we are absolutely honored and deeply blessed to be joined by the beloved Kontomblé in Divination Ceremony.

They will be sharing messages, as well as streaming healing frequencies, from the Little People through Priestess, Liv Mokai Wheeler.

They work multidimensionally. Their messages often come in the magic of three. They travel via the current of fluid authenticity. The Kontomblé are interested in cultivating honesty in community as expressed from the depths of our hearts, also known as vulnerability, as well as reminding us of our inherent generosity of being as those who have birthed from the Great Creatress. They are currently in communication with their various starry relatives in the cosmos, Angels of high integrity, and Ancient Ancestors of the Earth.



As the great oceanic tides have so steadily oriented themselves to the rhythm of the bright lunar tides throughout the ages, so too do we steadily dedicate to the deepening orientation of our being-ness with the rhythm of the Great Goddess as she shines her brilliant faces upon the night-misted seas of our Hearts, of the Divine Feminine, of this Divine Realm coming to be in the cosmological radiance the fates have so decreed.

United, with one another and the Otherworldly relatives, we prepare our beings through Starry Gates of Mystic Rites so as to be prepared attendants of the Goddess, the Divine, the Mystery who are once again seated/seeded as initiated souls in the time of sovereignty.

So shall it be.


Photo credit: Daniel Morris


This Ceremonial Initiatory Journey is in honor of the feminine. As such, this is an open space for all that identify in some way as feminine or female. It is not she/her exclusive, and we welcome all expressions of what feminine means to you.

This Ceremonial Initiatory Journey is very much a journey in honor of and in communion with the Otherworld as well. 

As a part of this journey, we will ask that everyone in attendance please make hearty offerings to Spirit, the Kontomblé, the Earth, the Ancestors, and whoever else one may feel called to make an offering to. This will help to feed the flowing waters of the ceremony and the luminosity of the field. It is also a way in which we can show up to Spirit and the Kontomblé with the heart of love, care, and reciprocity.

More information on offerings and basic offerings practices will be included in the preparatory message document to all participants a few days before the ceremonies begin. 

The prerequisites for this Ceremonial Initiatory Journey will dive into a depth and wealth of teachings around offerings as well.