“I stepped through a portal into another world this past weekend. It was a remembering, a return to our wild nature. Remembering that child inside, the one that roared with the wild things with an untethered Soul. The more we gather in ritual, in ceremony; the more we release, open, and expand beyond the confines of the urban jungle with all of its boxes, titles, rules, and divisiveness. We’ve been fed an illusion, and the Earth that gave rise to our bodies is paying the price. What we may not see is that what is happening around us, is also happening within us. Can we be so blind to how beautifully and intricately interwoven we really are? Can we turn our eyes in naivety and delusion to something so precious? What will it take to make humanity at large wake up and open their eyes to the Truth; open their hearts and see with the Purity of a child’s Spirit. This is my Prayer... A Return to our True Nature. I was surrounded by some amazingly powerful women this weekend. I am humbled and I am beyond grateful. Liv, you are a True Warrior; as you walk with a Legion of Ancestors and Beings to raise the consciousness with the most beautiful Heart I have ever witnessed in a human. Thank you for all you do. I lift you up; blessings on your Journey.”

- Christina Garrand


“Thank you...! I’m so grateful to you, Liv, Kontomblé and community for this past weekend. This work has been deeply healing, transformative and heart opening for me and my family…

I’m so grateful to be able to sit with you all and receive the rich wisdom, compassion and reverence of this work.

I am so grateful to able to gather with you all and weave together our hearts and lights.

I am so grateful for the wisdom that was shared with us and the medicine from the Kontomblé. I really appreciate the call to stretch, expand, deepen into our clarity of purpose and more closely examine any energies that are not aligned with our true nature. As always, so many little (and big!) nuggets of gold to both sit with and anchor into my being and physical dimensions... It is always appreciated that they share with us what is on their hearts and what is so important for us to know in these times…

I will cherish this so much. ️

Sending love until we connect again :). With love and gratitude.”


“I am writing this morning to express my infinite gratitude to you all and the beloved Kontomblé village for the absolutely amazing, gorgeous, powerful and life affirming divination training we experienced together! I am in awe of all that came through this incredible divination form and spread we have created and the ways that Spirit and Nature are communicating with us through it… the weaving feels sooo luminous and the connection feels sooo strong! I’m getting filled with waves of emotion as I write this because I just feel so honored and blessed to have had the opportunity to be with you all, to receive this beautiful gift, to be able to expand into this way of loving life, of life as ceremony and to be offered this healing and activation and initiation so i can offer support to others in such meaningful and important ways! I can feel how my connection with this sacred offering and form is potent and that it will continue to develop and expand each time I connect with it. I am filled with joy to be with the unfurling and blossoming of it’s wisdom and gnowledge.”


“Ojai, land of beauty, energy, transformation, sacredness, grief, pain, and memory. Thank you for holding me. For holding US in ceremony as we made offerings to the land, the mountain, the Chumash people. As we learned how to listen, how to feel. Thank you to the Kontomblé and their partner Liv Mokai for their devotion to this world and humanity, for guiding us in how to reconcile with reality, to really feel grief and pain, feel the destruction and violence and thoughtless waste, and know we can simultaneously hold those feelings and make beauty of our lives... It was such a deep honor to sit in ceremony with so many incredible souls, and to humbly offer our love and receive so much inspiration, healing, and strength together. I bow to you all and to my ancestors who brought me to this moment and got me to this gathering... I feel so much hope, and I know we are all so strong and capable. I commit to remembering what was shared in this most sacred of rituals. Blessings to all of my new/old friends.”

-Rachel Jonte

“It was a blessing to be in ceremony with you all this weekend. Thank you for this beautiful work.” 


“Hi Liv and Komtomble. With shaky hands (all the energies) I wanted to take a moment before I left the spot that I was sitting during this ceremony. 

May love be with you, may love be with you, may love be with you.

I am deeply grateful for being part of tonight. With these people and with every word spoken. Words that from each I found myself. Summarizing my year, feeling very much the energy Liv was talking about. With every word thinking I could speak up to release these energies - being now very grateful for the ones who spoke up, sharing and creating at the same time for all of us a space to heal, to especially let go. 

I have found myself asking about this year, what is normal - letting go a lot of things I thought I needed. I am asking what is distracting - leaving Instagram, coming in many ways from big to small. Facing my inner ugliness, what I have been avoiding, where being conditional and not unconditional and so on - and finding space in that not to judge myself or others being right or wrong. Facing extremes of my environment - learning to be in this conflict, while being so grateful to see. See more, to listen more. Crying cries that are fully mine, yet part of the product of where I was born, culture, land.

I feel deep gratitude that Komtomble allowed me to be in the presence of this ceremony, even though I was quietly crying. And again I am happy the people who talked got to talk and express. Being a gift for them and to everyone.

In the end I felt laughter coming through, integrating how much emotionally I have survived to go through. 

I wanted to speak, but didn't know where to start or how. And yet I feel that just listening to others, silent witnessing was a blessing of a medicine. Leaving me with a smile.

With a smile for the question, what am I here for? I have to answer "I don't know." But for a brief moment I have seen the first golden step to step. And this ceremony truly helped me integrate the color of this beautiful first step.

Thank you to Liv for sensing and hearing me… that I got to be part of it as me, far from perfect. To Liv, all the protection, light and love needed whenever sharing your medicine. You inspire me… 

Thank you Komtomble for speaking for us and from a place of being direct and honoring the truth. To let me sit in space with your presence. It takes time to integrate this gift, to have been in the same space again with Komtomble and all of you. Thank you, dearly.

While soon giving the offerings of ceremony to my garden, I will make it to honor this night and knowing how blessed I was that I got to be part of this even though I was silent. I hope my few songs shared, brought the support of mama earth and helped even a little bit to let go, bringing light, in behalf of not speaking up - bringing light where it is needed. And again I am very happy that exactly the people who spoke did it.

I guess all I try to say is thank you. Thank you Sylvie. Thank you Liv. Thank you Kontomblé. I can only try to understand how blessed I am being able to attend in blessings like this one.

I have so much to learn, so many reasons to just listen and stay humble for what I experienced today, and everyday.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.”  


“Our ceremony was so touching! All the synchronicities spun together so effortlessly, it was truly magic in motion. I feel very honoured to be connecting with others in this sacred way.” 


“Blink 1: I see a little person running across the circle with a spherical leather cup of bright water.

Blink 2: I dance slowly like I'm in the Sundance, feeling the energy, sinking, surrendering.

Blink 3: I wonder, "What would Grandpa Sammy do?", and then hear loudly, "Dance! Dance, man! Dance!"

Blink 4: a whole team of raggedy heyokas enter the circle and I break out into a laughing tear, trying to keep my eyes closed, laughing so hard that I can barely dance.

Blink 5: I dance across the country to where my tribe is having our powwow, joining them in the arena, a proud brown-haired starman, and then they join us all in their regalia in Ojai; I think, on the verge of tears, "I am dancing with my people."

Blink 6: I dance and feel how true this is in both places, in Niobrara and Ojai.

Blink 7: I suddenly realize that we're doing an iteration of Wovoka's Ghost Dance, all of us dancing as a prayer to bring back all of the immeasurable life that the modern world is hellbent on decimating and enslaving.

Blink 8: ornate, sweet, free-spirited Tasmanian Devils of revolutionary bell-ringing and rattle-shaking JOY spirit around the center where a hole is dug for the offerings of ocean water, cornmeal, and heirloom corn that we are going to give to the Chumash Indians of this land and I am all smiling, toothy bliss.

Blink 9: when the needle-nosed (literally) opposition shows up we all dance them and their so-called authority right on out into the nighttime desert where the mountains, cacti, and sprinting lizards all melt them away, again, into the ancient mists.

Blink 10: the threshold of grief appears and Chumash relatives uncountable begin to walk and dance and pray among us; their faces mournful, tickled, happy, knowing.

Blink 11: I dance over the earth hole crying with my seeds of ancestral Ponca corn upraised in my hand, merging with all the Chumash spirits; seeds of miracles, seeds of the impossible; feeling the healing power like a shockwave standing still, designing its own path into the kernel-sized aperture.

Blink 12: dancing beyond the point of collapse and then taking off skyward along with everyone else, dragons of every kind, soaring, shimmering, roaring with tearful, ineffable ecstasy.

Blink 13: I sit down on my dance spot and look across the circle at Aislinn, feel all sorts of giggly little people, and think, "Is anything ever truly over?" '

-Cliff Taylor

Creatrix by Christy Chudosnik, 2020

Creatrix by Christy Chudosnik, 2020


“The piece above was made after the First weekend of the Voices of Twilight & Mist. It has been such an incredible honor to connect with Liv Mokai & the Kontomblé, the profound depths to the experiences my words cannot do justice, on so many levels, layers, time and space, to the absolute weeee little atom I experienced such deep medicine, personal shift & resonance, & what felt like an infinite lightning drop that plunged to the depths of my heart, crackling it open like fissures in rocks but simultaneously akin to the potent crackling of fire, but also the way that light shines through a crystal & emanates through it & refracts multitudes of various colours, these almost silky yet steel strength sensations remain deep in the fibers & brought the deepest breath to my being. My deepest gratitude to Liv Mokai & the Kontomblé, a long reverential bow & hearty jovial jive.

It was from this place in my heart & cellular fizz that I was inspired to flow through in bringing through a physical piece that incorporated both visioning & was very much a channelled collaboration with Spirit. Flavours orientate around the birthing of creation, “creatrix of worlds,” an activation of portals & a deep connection & honoring of the Goddesses of all, particularly via Green rays to Gaia & serpentine Goddesses of creation. Much more was pooling and swirling about with this one, but I feel this to be a most recent & relevant example of a space that was made in strong collaboration with Spirit, & also exemplifies the landscapes I seek to be bringing through, & the direction I am wanting to swirl into being in the futures.”


“These wonderful souls, whose ancestors are coming from all over the world came to Serbia, for Offering pomegranate seeds to the Great Mystery. When our intentions and our medicine come together, a great healing happens that affects all the women of the world. Thank you sisters for bringing and pouring your medicine on my wounded land, on me, and on each other. So much love and gratitude I have for each of you! Thank you, Liv Mokai, for your courage and compassion for coming to my motherland Serbia and pouring your healing medicine on all of us, my ancestors, the earth, beings and our descendants. Thank you for bringing the wonderful sisters who contributed with you to this healing work. My deep bow and respect goes to you. I'm here for you, I'll stand for you to support your healing work.”

-Bilayana Cincarevic

“Dear Liv Mokai, my respect and love for you goes deep, to the depths of the waters and beyond the stars. I am actually completely blown away by you, your medicine and the Kontomblé. I honor your strength, perseverance, devotion in walking your path and walking with Spirit. I feel words cannot explain my gratitude for you. But I honor you, I thank you, I love you... I am so overwhelmed that I lack the words to express...thank you so much!!!!! You are amazing.” 

-Ama Boayke

“This weekend was powerful beyond what I could have foreseen. I am feeling so full of gratitude and humble reverence for what is possible when we come together with such authenticity, vulnerability and raw power!

Liv, thank you from my deep heart for your care, lightness, clarity, wisdom and profound power.  I received so much more than I could put into words, however what I want to try and express is how seen I felt in our ceremonial space. THANK YOU so much for seeing me. Deep bows to you, beloved soul. Showering you with rose petals and blessing you with sacred cleansing waters. With so much love.” 


“I just wanted to send along my deepest gratitude to Liv, Kontomblé, the Fey for this incredible divination spread and symbols, and to both Liv and Kontomblé for their generosity in sharing their wisdom and experiences with us. I'm so very moved by this beautiful, potent sacred healing practice, and it's such an honor and privilege to be able to study with you all!”


Untitled design (1).png

“What is it that connects us?

I participated this time and reconsidered the role of the community. I felt that it was very healthy that people could gather, share stories, share pain and feel bonds...I feel that sharing vibrations and experiencing greater healing and liberation by moving the body together is a function deeply rooted in the essence of life's energy beyond the cultural context... It is rare that everyone dances in a circle and dances barefoot or screams. Instead, they wear shoes, wear clothes, speak with the wording in mind, and behave so that they can be seen as decent people...

What Liv was saying to us was... “Don't think you're a stranger.”

When did we start to think of ourselves as strangers?

Actually, since the beginning, everyone has been a child of the same earth.” 

Ryoko Sekino of Metaphysics Tsushin shares about her experience at With an Ear to the Great Mystery · August 2019

translated from japanese, read on chrome to use google translate

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With an Ear to the Great Mystery · August, 2019


“...I just wanted to come and say my dearest thank you for you.

I have been reflecting to the light (or maybe this energy have many names) that was present during the times I found Liv through instagram. Light that you guys and this community continue to remind me, teach me, dream about and fall in love again and again. Also the pure joy by being recognized as that light within, which makes inner flame always stronger - cause you know your fire is not alone. And since then I have felt the connection - even without meeting you guys in person, still feeling love, sense of union and trust. Falling into a knowing of space that is safe and timeless - like beautiful unions beyond our realms....

[I am] grateful for shadows, making me more as a mother than maiden, gathering new wisdom. It has still made me miss spirituality as I felt it before, how many things expressed around triggers or I can't call the feeling as spiritual home. Today's energies felt like spiritual home - like always, but specially today's theme. The long lost (and still always present) spark of light or imagination and dreams. Reminding mother essence also to sparkly joy. Creating the first step for integration for what was then and is now and let them fusion into something completely new...

I feel deep gratitude for you guys. Always open, welcoming and loving.

I just want to say... thank you... Liv for being you as you in the essence of wisdom, laugh, acceptance and the care and listening for what is present, and addition to that to be channel for the spiritual realms in a way that feels like home.

Thank you for creating spaces.

Thank you for reminding.

Thank you for caring.

Thank you for seeing.

Thank you for reminding and showing the gift of giving.

... I have been going through intense times and transformation and it feels like a gift to be seeing in light in times when it has been hard for myself.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

For your guys' gifts. For your hearts being just what they are.”


“I spent this past weekend learning, remembering, creating, and being with Liv Mokai + a very beautiful group of humans + beings doing real work on the planet in their own way, yet in a way that feeds us all. I witnessed myself as shy / timid / insecure, coupled with expressed power / immense love / deep connection. Oscillating between them, landing at the center, over and over again, relishing in the humanness of it all, of us all. Oh, the raw stories and willing healing this weekend. The presence, the listening, the witnessing. Because when any one of us is sincerely willing to be real, to heal, and to reclaim our sovereignty, we all get closer to truly healing and reclaiming our worth and sovereign rights, here in this time, especially in these times. When we hold space for another, we are also held. We gave to the land, we gave to our ancestors with plates of fresh food + herbs, we gave to the vision of a future culture that we are building and believing in no matter what the opposing forces may throw our way. Let’s not get caught up in the madness. For it is truly maddening. And there is so much beauty and possibility; it is up to us to always see it, be it, create it, over and over again. To remember. Thank you for the invitation. May these invitations continue to come to me, in a language, a dialect, a vision that I can understand, that I willingly act upon, and that feed the truth rather than the illusion.”

-Aarona Lea 

“Thank you! I’m full of gratitude and love for every lesson, share, song and other piece of the experience. I am sending love and gratitude.” 


“I just wanted to get in touch, in deep gratitude & appreciation, that I am so grateful that I was able to join in today's gathering for Tiny Shiny Wings of Fire. I want to extend this to both you all & especially to Liv... It was such an honor to be with you all in such, splendid, sacred, nourishing, magical & ancient ways. I am so deeply touched & I am so delighted. With such deep stirrings from my heart, swirling to you & Liv a loving & humbled thank-you for allowing me to gather with you all. It was truly magical & sacredly restorative.

With oceans of gratitude & seaweedy forests full of sanctuary of soul, Thank-you.  Sending such love, & wishing you a wonderfully dreamy day ahead, Best Wishes & bliss-filled dreams.” 


“I am FED on all levels of my being after a weekend spent in ritual in Ojai with both new and very old friends. I was invited into this orbit by Liv Mokai (not a coincidence when you say her name out loud that it is LIVE) as the puzzle pieces of our connection continued to complete and get closer to find this moment. This glorious reunion where my body and my heart and my future were held so tight and so close. The kind of support that is some of the deepest medicine and what probably most of us have needed our whole lives.

The support that says I won’t let you go until you purge the fear and the abandonment and the insecurity and the “I don’t belong” and the isolation and the emotional malnourishment from your spirit. In an alchemical whizz bang, I was wailed with, prayed with, and birthed into belly laughs that were heard by the stars and planets. I looked into the eyes of an old team, reunited. We let that laughter shake our bodies because joy is Holy and when we were done, somehow the angels were singing next door and life was better than it ever was. What is the word that is even bigger than gratitude? Let’s ask the Kontomblé and then I’ll give it to you... We pushed, we stretched, we stayed IN. We offered our energy, our vigor, our song, our dance, our voices to Spirit. We poured an ancestral feast, honey, cornmeal, tears, herbs, flowers, tobacco into the Earth and the land of the Chumash to honor and repair and thank.

We did it together and we were led by humble masters. You can hear the depth of practice in a voice if you listen carefully. You can hear the steadiness of tectonic plates and the bottom of the ocean from those who have done their work. I heard many of those voices this weekend and I learned from and admired them.

Ritual space IS real life. If we are co-creation in action, all life is real, and we can choose to carry the container of ritual and ceremony into all of the spaces that we travel in.”

-Erin Telford

“Thank you Liv, and thank you Sylvie, and everybody present at the gathering. It was a great honour to be there with you, and I feel I gained so much from all that I've heard and felt.

I wish you a great time in Serbia, and thank you for coming to my country and for bringing your medicine, it is so needed here. 

Thank you and bless you.” 

-Nina Martinović Armbruster

“I just wanted to send you, Liv, Kontomblé and the Earth’s Amulet team a heartfelt thank you for creating the sacred container of Voices and Twilight and Mist. I know I’m still integrating the experience fully (and surely will be for a while longer!) and also it was just such beautiful and rich medicine to come together with you all and the Voice of Twilight and Mist ceremony members. This training feels deeply nourishing, spark inducing and so very soul-full. I’m grateful to be a part of this community and journey with you all. I appreciate the care, authenticity and magic that each of you brought to the training, ceremonies and community. Whenever I gathered with this community, I feel my soul bolstered with the support and encouragement to both open and deepen further.

I appreciate all of the heart centered tending to this cauldron, the alchemy of it all was so, so beautiful and time I will always cherish!!! With love and gratitude.”


“Liv Mokai, I am honored to have had a chance to experience your medicine from which I grew to feel deeper into my soul's purpose and my truth, no words can match my gratefulness! Thank you for your work... your visit meant sooo much to me. I am deeply moved forever, you will have a special place in my heart.”

-Milica Cosic

“Forever grateful for this weekend. It was one of the most beautiful and transformative experiences I have ever had. I am so thankful for all of the love, kindness, strength, and courage that I witnessed. I came home with an overflowing heart. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”


“Deep bows and gratitude for the medicine you shared with all of us and to the feminine that was rattled and awoken. I drove away in silence to listen to nature around me. With an overflowing heart, thank you thank you thank you.”


“This past weekend, I had the honor of being part of the Elemental Reverence 精霊への畏敬 with Liv Mokai Wheeler as a translator. Everything was soooo beautiful and magical. Liv, Sylvie, Emmy, Cliff, AshEL, Natalie, Christianne, Lindsey, Aislinn… every moment, I was in awe of their authenticity and beauty. The energy and transformation that they have brought upon Japan is huge. Their presence, the Kontomblé ceremony, the amazing film "The Remembering'' by Emmy Wu, the beautiful shrines by Lindsey and music by AshEL ...reconnected us Japanese to our ancient ancestors, spirits of nature, and our true authentic selves. I feel that it is truly a remembering and a new beginning for all of us. With deep appreciation and respect, thank you Liv and Kontomblé for bringing us all together.”


“I just wanted to say how beautiful and heart nourishing it was to be with our Tiny, Shiny Wings of Fire group on Saturday. It really does just make my heart sing to be in circle with you all!... Please feel free to share my heartfelt gratitude to Liv as well - I'm so grateful for these sacred waters of community we are in together and for this space to honor the heart and soul. It means so much to gather in these ways, always, and especially during these times. Thank you to the entire EA team for all that you are tending and cultivating!” 


“Last weekend, I attended the Kontomblé ceremony in Tokyo, which honors Mt. Fuji, whales, and Nipsey Hussle. And I came out from the ceremony full of love and hope in my heart. It took so long to turn my eyes back to the country that I was born and raised. At one point, I was pretty hopeless at the future of Japan and ashamed of being Japanese. And then I connected with my soul family, who are truly willing to honor Japan and the Earth, through the ceremony. I can see the beauty of the country and its culture again. Is there anything more precious than this?

I’d like to refer to Barack Obama’s tribute for my new hero, Nipsey Hussle; 'While most folks look at the Crenshaw neighborhood where he grew up and see only gangs, bullets, and despair, Nipsey saw potential. He saw hope. He saw a community that, even through its flaws, taught him to always keep going. His choice to invest in that community rather than ignore it ... is a legacy worthy of celebration.’ The ceremony surely showed me the hope for our future. Thank you, Liv. And thank you for all who shared the experience together. I feel so lucky to be part of the community.”